Monday, May 16, 2011

An update.

So, I have been MIA with the blogging for a while it seems.  I'm not sure exactly what happened, but I promise that I will try to do better and update more frequently. I know I know, I say that all the time, but I really will make a conscious effort to keep it updated on a regular basis. So anyways..

I've been going to the doctor with all my scheduled appointments and stuff, getting all my lab work and everything just like I'm suppose to, but.. & yes there is a seems that some of my test results have started dropping a little bit.  Not to the extent that they were back when I was put in the hospital, but it is enough for Dr. Turner to take extra notice and keep in touch with me between our appointments. When I saw him the end of April, he said that by the end of May I would need 2 more infusion treatments..great, just great. BUT..and this is a good but, (hopefully) He talked about possibly using a new chemo drug, that I am horribly afraid of, rituxan. This is a different drug than what I had for my previous 6 months of treatment so I asked him what the chances of using the original drug (solu-medrol) instead of the rituxan (a full blown cancer/chemo drug) and he AGREED! He said that he would make a more definitive answer after my next set of blood work but for this month I'm in the clear! At least I know what to expect with the solu-medrol infusion treatments.  While the whole thing is far from pleasant by any means, going into another 2 infusion treatments with a completley new, and more aggressive drug like rituxan really really scares me.  So I'm glad he agreed to consider the solu-medrol again.

Also, on Monday I had to go spend the whole day with an Occupational Therapist having all kinds of test done. The conclusion that the OT came up with..that it would probably be a good idea to start some physical therapy each week to help regain some of the strength, range of motion, flexibility, etc. that I've lost due to treatments. So, I'm suppose to talk with my doctor next week for our "phone date" and find out exactly where to go from here.

There is nothing that I want more than to just be somewhat "normal" again.  The weekly injections, countless amounts of medicines, and endless doctors appointments are enough to make anyone feel crazy. I do absolutely love my Dr though, and should considering I'm going to be seeing alot of him, basically for the rest of my life so I'm glad we have a great Doctor/Patient relationship. I will just be glad when I will be able to go back to work and have something to do with my days.  I see now why some people choose not to retire.  Idle time can make you go stir crazy and really get to you after a while.  All my family and friends all have something going on whether it be work or school so when they are gone all day it gets pretty boring/lonely around the house. I have started to do some reading to pass the time.  It's been a while since I actually sat down to read a book but I picked up one the other afternoon and found myself staying up late, and waking up early to keep reading.  I finished it by lunch time the next day was surprised that I read the entire thing in less than 24 hours. I picked up another book the other day, Water for Elephants. I want to read the book before I watch the movie. I've heard they are both great.

Over the weekend Chad, Brandon, and I went to Columbia, Lake Murray to be exact, for the Bassmasters Fishing Tournament.  It was day 3 of weigh ins and it was actually pretty fun! There were different vendors, tents, sponsored boats and professionals all over the place. There was even a Evan Williams tent (they were a big sponsor for the whole tournament) where they were giving away free shots of all the different kinds of Evan Williams. Chad made his way quite a few times over to that tent throughout the day, haha! But anyways, the boys were like kids in a candy shop once we got there.  It's like when we were walking up and they both saw everything, they didn't even know where to start, haha! And also, even though the bottom fell out 30 minutes after we got there, AND it was hailing, (which happened to hit me on the head) we were able to stay somewhat dry until after the storm passed, and then it was sunny and hot the rest of the day.  We had a good time and it was a fun day for sure! After we left Lake Murray, we went into downtown Columbia and showed Brandon the stadium! It was definitely a day well spent.

Anyways, that's about it for now. Hope everyone has a great day!