Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!'s Turkey day.  I hope everyone had a wonderful day and was able to enjoy time with family and friends.  Today has been a pretty good holiday for our family, even considering a few minor set backs.  Usually my mom, my aunt & uncle cook for Thanksgiving, however this year was a little different.  Mom had surgery earlier in the week on her hand and wrist and she can't use her left had at all for atleast 10 days. So, guess who was in charge of cooking and preparing our selection of foods for Thanksgiving dinner, that's right-me. I spent allllll morning literally in the kitchen cooking.  It actually turned out pretty good I think, or atleast everyone still ate it anyways, haha!

Also, uncle roe wasn't released from the hospital until 2 today because he had to have 3 stents put in after a heart cath yesterday.  The Dr was actually off today, but came in to release him so that he could make it home in time for Thanksgiving dinner.  And did I mention that his heart doctor is the same one that I saw while I was in the hospital, as well as my dad seems him too.  With as much as our family sees Dr. Om, i think we should all get a family discount!! :)

On a side note, we got to see Dennis and Ann Hadley today! She is getting so big and it's hard to believe that she will be 1 next week! She is precious as ever! Cameren took some pictures so I'll try and post them as soon as I can get ahold to her camera!

As for myself, the past several days have been great-for a variety of reasons actually! :))) For one, I've felt alot better and have even gotten out the house a bit more than normal, and stayed pretty busy.  My cold is almost gone completley and I'm def glad about that!  I go back to see Dr. Turner next week for another set of tests.  I'm hoping everything turns out okay because this will be the first month that I have gone without having a round of treatments.  I've been keeping a close eye to check for any kind of systems that may indicate a flare up, and so far I haven't been able to notice anything, so i'm thinking that my tests are going to come back with super good news, atleast that's what I'm going to keep telling myself! I would hate to think that the last 6 months of treatments and stuff haven't been as effective as we though and that I would have to continue with more treatments, but I'm just gonna go ahead and rule that whole possiblity out. Always better to look at the glass as half full instead of half empty right?

SO now that Thanksgiving is over, it's time to start on Christmas! I absolutley LOVE Christmas time. I love the colors(prob b/c red IS my fav color!), the smells of Christmas trees and cinnamon smells, decorating, the cold weather, Christmas music, and just being able to spend time with family and friends.  Of course the most important reason: to celebrate Jesus' Birthday! But it's just such a great time of the year and sometimes it just seems that people get all caught up in the hustle bustle of what kind of presents to get or what not that they forget the true meaning of Christmas in the first place. Tomorrow is black friday and I promise you will not catch me anywhere near any retail place, haha! I can't stand having to fight with people over things, the enormous crowds, and there is nothing I want bad enough to go shopping at 5am! However, I think me and my sister are gonna spend the day putting up Christmas decorations and the Christmas Tree.  I'll make sure to take some pictures and post them once we get everything up. Well, that's about all I have for now. I think i'm gonna go snuggle up in my bed and watch the George Lopez marathon on nick @ nite, hah! Nite everyone!
ps-i can't wait til sunday.. :))


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