Saturday, November 20, 2010

Saturday, Saturday, Saturday!

So, it's relatively early on a Saturday morning, about 7am actually and i've been up about 2 hours already.  I just have not been sleeping well latley and I have no clue why.  I've been trying to do different things before I go to bed to see if it will help me sleep through the night but so far, no beuno.  Also, I think the fact that I've caught some kinda cold and that I have another sinus infection again (booooo) aren't exaclty helping things. 

I have to be really careful whenever I get sick, because the normal everday cold that everyone gets, can turn into something alot worse if I catch it, simply because right now my immune system can't fight off much.  This is the first time that I've gotten "sick" with a cold and stuff since treatments so i'm a little hesitant as to how long it will last.  I'm already on a constant anti-biotic due to treatments and the weekly shots surpressing my immune system so i've been on Bactrim every other day since I literally came home from the hospital.  I'm really hoping I can kick this cold though before it gets any worse. A simple cough and sore throat for a normal person may not be a big deal, but for me-it's almost like a gateway for pneumonia or some crazy stuff like that, but hopefully I will start feeling better soon.  My nose is stopped up and runny at the same time. 

On a brighter note, we had a surprise birthday party for the Dana boys last night.  Tamara and Brittni did a great job of getting everything together and making sure that Brenton and Radisson had no clue what was going on.  I think they were really surprised when they walked in because Radisson had a blank look on his face while people are screaming surprise, his first comment-"Whattttt?' Although I think my favorite comment of the night came from Dwight as he was hugging the boys-Brenton in particular, and Dwights saying "Happy Birthday Asshole!" I think there truley were surprised and it was definatley a good time.  It's been a while since everyone had all gotten together, and I'd seen people that I haven't seen in forever.. (And Kat-if you happen to read this soon, send me the link you were telling me about for the blog stuff if you get a chance please!)  There are also 2 other birthdays to celebrate.  My best friend Kristin Lancaster Sumner is 26 today.  Wow, 26 seems so old..we will all be 30 before we know it, and that seems a little scary.  As a sweet little gesture for KK's birthday, I decded to get her a sterling silver key chain with her NEW initials engraved on it.  I have one as well, so now we match, except that obviously my initials are different than hers.  The other birthday is for my sweet sweet sister who will be turning 20 tomorrow.  I still can't believe my baby sister will no longer be a teenager after tomorrow!  Some other exciting news is that Cameren decided she wanted to come home this weekend for her birthday so not only is it a little treat for her, but for us as well!

So..seeing as how it's saturday, that means that the Gamecocks will be playing Troy at Williams Brice at 12:00.  Hopefully this should be a semi easy game and we can continue the season with another win before we play our rival Clemson next week.  I'm also really excited about the fact that we are going to be playing against Auburn in the SEC Championship Game.  It was be absolutley wonderful if we could pull out a win and claim the title of SEC Champions!

The last thing that I want to mention is about my facial from Harmony yesterday.  It was absolutley wonderful and Harmony did such a great job.  I got the chemical peel and it's amazing how wonderfully smooth my face feels and all the dead layers of skin that were removed.  With all my treatments latley, it has really done a number on my skin and really caused it to become extremely dry and flaky.  Hoewever, it feels wonderful at the moment!

Well thats about all that I have for right now, but whenever I think of something else to write about, I'll make sure to make a post and blog about it.  And yes, I'm still trying to figure out eactly how to post pictures, so if anyone happens to know, could you please fill me in!  But I hope everyone has a fabulous Saturday!


1 comment:


    Here you go! To post pictures you have to click on the little picture right beside the spell check option.

    It was great to see you last night!
