Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Today is Tuesday and there really hasn't been much going on in my world lately.  However, a group of us did get together for dinner and midnight bowling on Saturday and in all honesty, it's probably the first time I've gone out and done something in a LONG time.  We didn't get home until 2:30 in the morning, and I haven't been up that late in forever! So on Sunday we didn't really do much.

Tomorrow I have my monthly Dr's appointment with my specialist.  I'm hoping everything will go okay considering the last week or so I've been having alot of pain in my chest and arm. I don't really know what's causing it, and won't know until I see the doctor. I went today to my mom's office to have all my blood work and test done, and so far, the ones that have been completed look okay, but there is still a few more that we're waiting on.  Hopefully they will all be normal, but I'll make sure to update after my appointment.

On a sweeter note, I woke up yesterday morning, and when I went to the kitchen to get something to drink, this is what I found on the kitchen table:

Chad's always doing super sweet stuff like this; leaving little notes, or messages, or just calling to tell me he loves me. He's the best and I literally couldn't ask for anyone better! :)

Also, in a previous blog post I wrote about creating a crafty bulletin board using a standard cork board, fabric, and ribbon.  After I finished, my sister and 2 of my friends really likes it so I decided I would make them one as well.  On Saturday, Kristin, Kayli, and I ventured to Florence and made our way to Hobby Lobby.  Let me just say that I could literally spend hours upon hours in this store, but we were on a time crunch so we made our way to the fabric department, got what we needed, and continued on with what we were doing. Kristin picked out a fabric she liked and I picked out one for my sister since she's in Charleston for school right now. Yesterday I got bored and decided I would start their craft projects and managed to get the cushion layer as well as the fabric layer on both boards.  Here is a picture of what they look like so far. I still have to add the ribbon that will be used to hold things in place as well as little decorative things to make it look complete, but this is just what they look like as of right now.

                                                  This is the fabric I picked out for Cameren.
                                                 And this is the fabric Kristin picked out

I'm going to try to finish them up hopefully by tomorrow.  And I'll make sure to post a picture of the completed product.  I know they may look a little boring at this moment, but they will be super cute and decorative when I finish with them!

Anyways, that's about it for today. Hope everyone has a great night!

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