Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What a Monday!

So yesterday, started out pretty typical for a Monday morning.  I woke up, ate a bowl of cereal, and watched my morning tv sitcoms (rough life I know). As the morning went along I noticed that the sinus problems I'd been having all week were ever worse and so I called the doctor and they decided I needed to come in for him to take a look. So I went to the doctor and ended up leaving with another antibiotic to try to clear things up. Hopefully it'll work and I'll be feeling better.

Also yesterday being Valentine's Day, Chad and I decided that we weren't going to really do anything, however, I did get him a cute card and he surprised me with some really pretty flowers.  I love flowers and was super shocked because I have never received flowers on Valentines Day before! They are sitting on the kitchen table and when I woke up this morning and walked into the kitchen, I could smell the roses.  It was fabulous!  Here is a pic of the flower arrangement Chad surprised me with, he's so sweet!

On a rather sad note, yesterday in Hartsville, the Rainbow Fertilizer Plant caught on fire and is still burning today.  I had just gotten off the phone with Chad and was on the way to the IGA on the north side of town to pick up something to cook for dinner when I saw all the flames and billows of smoke fill the air.  The time was about 6:55 so according to all the news reports, the fire had just begun and the fire fighters, police, and EMS workers had not arrived on the scene yet.  It was the biggest fire I have ever seen.  As I was standing outside with the manager of IGA and a couple other people, something blew up causing an extremely loud boom, which shook the building.  All of us took off running inside because the booms were so loud and scary.  I wasn't in IGA 5 minutes and came back out and was on the way back home and I had to drive right past the fertilizer plant on the bridge and all you could see was flames and an orange sky.  My heart sank as I thought about all the people that were going to be affected by this tragic fire.  Our town has really been through alot lately and I know we can all bounce back in time.  So my prayers go out to all the workers, families, and anyone else that was involved or affected by the fire.  Here is a picture below of the flames.


Well that's about all I have for today. Hope everyone has a wonderful afternoon!

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