Monday, November 29, 2010

And it's Monday!

So..I know I haven't posted anything in a couple days but hopefully everyone had a great weekend and enjoyed the Thanksgiving time.  I had a great weekend spending time with family and friends, and of course..the USC victory over Clemson.  Ever since I was little I have been a die hard Carolina fan and anyone that walks into our house can definitely tell that.  It is literally COVERED in USC stuff..And growing up I had a Cocky that you could squeeze and he would sing the fight song.  I was the only 5 year old in kindergarten that was able to recite the entire USC fight song word for word! So obviously attending USC was the obvious choice and after spending 5 years there, my commitment to the University of South Carolina is stronger than ever..not to mention alllll the money that they've received from me and my parents, hah! So Finally we have a successful football season, beat Clemson, and are headed to our first ever SEC Championship and I can't wait!

I must say its Monday, mid day and I'm quite bored.  I only work Tuesday-Friday so Monday's I don't have much to do besides the typical laundry, cleaning, dusting, vacuuming, errands, and all that stuff.. But later in the week should be fun. I get to see Telissa on Wednesday for dinner-we usually try to get together at least once a month and I really look forward to is. She's so sweet and I love her to death!

Also, on Thursday I go back to the doctor for my final set of blood work and tests to see if everything is going okay with CSS.  This will be the first month that I have gone without treatment so hopefully after all the treatment sessions, things will be good to go and I'll only get good news from Dr. Turner.  I've been praying about it alot and I know everything happens for their own reasons, but I am just really hoping and I know everything is going to come back positive.  Everyone I talk to tells me the same thing and it really does help to have a positive attitude about the whole situation. The first couple weeks when I came home from the hospital I was a basket case-completely depressed, not wanting to get out the bed, and just didn't know how to deal with things. But after long talks with my Dr and my mom, and the support of family and friends, I feel like I've completely changed my outlook on this whole thing-and honestly..I can't wait to get back to teaching. This year off has really made me realize how much I miss being in the classroom and even though I would complain and fuss about the late nights of lesson planning and waking up early..I'm ready to get back into it.  And I've even applied to work on some more hours above my masters.  I haven't quite decided if I wanna tackle a PhD, but..I'm definitely considering and it's a big possibility.  I just can't seem to get away from school..whether it be teaching it, or actually being in it myself.  After my masters I thought I was done for good, but for some reason..I wanna keep going, so we'll see how everything works out.

So, I concluded my weekend yesterday with a little shopping, lunch with Sarah, and then spending the rest of the day with Chad. He's the best! He'd been hunting in Virginia since Thursday and didn't get back until yesterday, so needless to say I was super ready to see him! He's so sweet and I really enjoy spending time with him. Seeing as everything that has happened this year, it feels wonderful to have someone that truly brings a smile to my face! :) Anyways, hope everyone has a wonderful Monday and I'll make sure to try to update more regularly!


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