Monday, December 6, 2010

Happy as can be!

So it's Monday, and the start to another week. I feel like it's been a while since I've made a post so I think it's time to write an update about what i've been doing and how things are going. I'll start with how my week was last week and the weekend. 

So...last thursday I was suppose to go to the doctor for my final set of tests and to make sure everything was going okay so that I wouldn't have to have anymore treatments. Well Thursday came and I got a phone call from my doctors office that Dr. Turner was sick and not going to be in the office that day, so that meant I would have to reschedule for another day.  I'm still unsure as to what day I will actually go but hopefully it will be soon so that I will know that everything is going okay and not have to really worry about this as much anymore. As soon as I go to the doctor and have the tests done, I'll make sure to update and let everyone know how things are going as soon as I know something.

On Friday I got to spend the whole day at Blush-A Merle Norman Store. Tamara-who runs and owns the store was out of town for the weekend and instead of closing the store on friday, she asked me if I would come and work that day. I was super excited because I love Merle Norman products and was super glad I had the chance to spend the entire day playing with make up and all the fun stuff she has up there. I had gone 2 days before for Tamara to show me how to run everything with all the products and to become familiar with all the merchandise and stuff she had in the store.  I worked from 9-6 and even though I was there by myself, I still had a great time and loved being up there. I even got my super sweet boyfriend to bring me lunch since I was unable to leave once I got there.

So that brings me to my next topic.  I spent a big part of my week and weekend with Chad.  He's super sweet and I really REALLY enjoying spending time with him.  He's the best ever and he makes my smile literally all the time.  Even though he was on call all weekend, we were still able to have a good time just hanging out.  We went over to one of his friends house saturday night after he got back from his fishing tournament and we finished watching the rest of the SEC championship football game and hung out there for a good while. As the night went on, we all sat around and listened to some of the guys sing song after song, a lot of Hank Jr in particular!  He makes me really happy, which is something I haven't felt in a really reallyyyy long time. I'm super glad that he's a part of my life now and I get really excited to see him each day whenever he gets off of work. I get that butterfly feeling in my stomach every time I see him and I absolutley love it. I've literally been nothing but smiles and completley happy the past couple weeks! :)))))

So now it's monday and I had to get up early to take mom to the airport. She flew out to Pheonix today and will be back on friday. She does a good bit of traveling for work and spends alot of time on the road.  Even though it is for work, at least she gets to travel around different parts of the country, which sounds like it could definatley be fun.

That's all I have for now, hope everyone had a great monday and I'll post again soon!


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