Saturday, February 12, 2011

Been a While!

So, I know I know, it has definitely been a LONG time since my last post, but I'm back and decided it would be a good time (since I have nothing much to do today) to update and fill everyone in on all the new and exciting things that are going on in my life (hah!-yeah right)

So, as for an update on me and what I have been doing, there has been one big chance that has taken place.  I decided to move in with Chad, and I love it! He is the best and I love him to pieces. I do miss my mom and dad, but I do make it a point to go by and see them everyday.

As far as the job search, Dr. Turner still will not let me "officially" go back to teaching until the fall, but I have been looking around for teaching jobs to apply for and been helping out Tamara at her store whenever she needs me and just doing odd jobs.  I must say that yes I am definitely bored not having a job and staying at home everyday gets old, real quick.  Everyone says, "oh I bet its so nice to not have to go to work and blah blah blah" but I promise you, the grass definitely is not greener on the other side.  I just kinda feel like all my days run together because I don't do much during the day or week for that matter that differentiates one day from the other.  It's quite boring and lonely to be honest. If if weren't for doctors appointments and the grocery store, I might would consider myself a hermit.

On a brighter note, Kristin and Hank came over the other night and all 4 of us, (Me, Chad, Kristin, and Hank) sat down and ate dinner and caught up on the latest gossip, haha! I love the fact that I can spend time with my boyfriend, AND best friend, at the same time! It's like the best of both worlds! I love Kristin to death, and I can honestly say that she is one of the very few people that I know I can completely trust, with anything! Even though she lives in Darlington I still see her pretty frequently and I love her to death.

As far as all my medical stuff, I've been doing okay. A couple weeks ago I had to have another echo cardiogram done because I was beginning to have to same pain in my chest and arm again that I had previously had when I initially went into the hospital, and Dr. Turner wanted to make sure that the fluid had not built back up around my heart again.  Everything came back okay and he told me to just make sure that I monitored everything, how I was feeling, what hurt/didn't hurt, my breathing/asthma, and all the other symptoms that could possibly indicate a flare up of my CSS.  Luckily, so far everything has seemed okay, however I still continue to constantly keep a sinus infection.  I feel like that is the story of my life though.  However, all the blood test and everything else that Dr. Turner did on my last appointment came back looking good.  My hemoglobin was a little low, but he said it wasn't to low to be a concern so that was definitely good news.  I go back Feb 22 for my monthly tests and appointment with Dr. Turner.  This is just something that I've come to accept and realize that this is how things are going to have to be.  I'm going to have to see the Dr monthly so I might at well like it.  Although I'm glad that he wants to keep a close eye on everything and monitor my levels each month, I do get a little nervous, just because I don't want something to go wrong and the test to come back with a 'red flag', but I guess its better to know that if something does come up, hopefully with my schedule of Dr's appointments like they are, it'll mean that they catch whatever the case may be early.

With all this free time that I have, I have decided that I want to learn how to sew. I know that might sound kind of old but I find myself always watching the TLC channel and wanting to do little craft projects, and it would really come in handy if I knew how to sew. I did however recover and cork board and add some design to it to use as a jewelry/message board.  I have to admit though, I did have some help from my mom.  In the process I managed to burn my finger several times with the hot glue gun..not fun! But overall I was pleased with the final product.  I'll have to take a picture and post it for y'all to see. 

Well that's all that I can think of for right now, but I will make sure to update more regularly and not go so long in between posts.  Hope everyone has a wonderful day!

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