Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Weekend!

SO it's Saturday, and although I usually don't do much during the week, I have had several things going on this week, which has been a nice change from my usual empty schedule week after week.  I'll start first with an update from my Dr's appointment on Wednesday.

Wednesday I went for my normal monthly doctors appointment with my rheumatologist Dr. Turner, in Florence.  He looked at all my lab work and test, and although there were a few things that were off a little bit, it was nothing major and everything looked good for the most part with all my vasculitis issues.  Although, I have been having alot of pain in my chest, he believes that it's my asthma flaring up a bit.  With the change in weather and what not, it seems to have triggered some wheezing and tightness in my chest.  Along with that I have some drainage from my sinus infection which is causing an awfully painful sore throat and cough.  Hopefully it'll all straighten out soon and I'll be feeling alot better.  It was definitely a relief though knowing that it wasn't a flare up with CSS, thank you God!

On Thursday, Chad and I went to the Eric Church/Jason Aldean concert.  I have never seen either of them in concert but I love all of their music.  It was definitely a great concert and well worth the money, I think anyways.  I saw lots of people that I knew and the whole place was packed! The show lasted from 7:30-10:30 and was alot of fun!  Jason Aldean has come to Florence several times, but this was the first time I had seen him and I definitely plan on seeing him again, if he comes back this way!

Friday: Chad was off, and I'm always off, so it was nice to sleep in without having to first wake up when Chad normally gets up for work at 6:20 every morning! After we got up, I had an appointment to go get my nails done and Chad had a bunch of errands to go do to get ready for his fishing tournament today! Thanks to Danielle @ the Haven for doing a wonderful job on my nails! I decided to change up my normal acrylic french manicure for a solid pink since it is starting to feel somewhat like spring weather! She used the new Shellac polish-and just FYI, it's wonderful! Stays on literally weeks without chipping or cracking.  If you haven't tried it, I definitely recommend it. It's wonderful and Danielle does a fabulous job! So anyways, Chad and his partner Jerry won their fishing tournament last weekend, and we're all hoping that they can pull out another with today, bringing home the first place money! That would be great because this tournament is worth a lot more money and who doesn't like some extra cash?! We have planned on buying a new flat screen TV sometime in the next couple weeks, but we just haven't decided on what kind we want. LCD? Plasma? Size? We just haven't figured which would be the best yet.  We want to get a nice one without spending a fortune, but not a cheap one either with poor visual quality.  So if anyone has any suggestions on what they think works best as far as size and brand, please feel free to fill me in b/c I don't know much about TVs except how to watch them! :)

Also on Friday, my sister and Lew decided that they would grace us with their presence and came home from Charleston for the weekend.  Since I was at home with Chad, they came by to see us before they went to my parents.  It was definitely good to see them since they don't get to come home all the time.  After they left, it wasn't long that we decided to head to bed.  Chad had to get up at 5:30 to head out for his tournament, and I slept a little longer before getting up and getting ready.  I'm working today at Blush-A Merle Norman Studio in downtown Hartsville for a friend that owns the store.  She's in a wedding this weekend and she asked me to work today.  Even though it's Saturday, I still don't mind being here all day.  I really like her store and it gives me a chance to get out and do something.  I really enjoy working up here every now and then!

Saturday: I'm working from 10-4 while Chad does his best to win his fishing tournament.  Weigh in is around 2:30 or 3 I think? So I'm hoping he'll call me afterwards telling me that they won! That would really make for a great weekend! Since I woke up with a sore throat and painful cough, I think a win from Chad and Jerry would definitely put a smile on my face! :) I'm also trying to get my sister to get herself out the bed and come sit up here at the store with me so I don't have to be by myself.  However, anyone that knows my sister knows that she does indeed love her sleep.  She'll sleep until 4 in the afternoon if you let her!

Lastly, I need some help with something.  I sometimes feel like I don't have much to blog about since I don't do a whole lot of things.  Can anyone think of some interesting topics that would make for a good post, since all I typically write about is my day or what I am doing.  I read other friends blog posts and they have some interesting topics, so If anyone has some suggestions, please let me know! Well I don't have much more to say (imagine that-lol).  Hope everyone enjoys this beautiful weather and the rest of their weekend!


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