Saturday, March 19, 2011

Catching up..

I know it's been like a week, but in my defense, I've had a little bit more going on this week than my typical non eventful week.  I got to babysit Emma Grace a couple days this week and it was super fun.  We had a good time, and then afterwards I hung out with Kristin, the Twins, and EG for dinner and play time outside! I absolutely adore Tommy and Kristin's children and love spending time with them. The twins: River & Khloe, will be 2 May 14th and Emma Grace will be 5 in April. I love seeing them and when I get there they all give me a big hug and "sugar" and I could literally just eat them up!

Well, on St. Patty's day, me and Emma Grace headed to the grocery store and then went home and made GREEN rice krispie treats! Let me just begin by saying Emma Grace is such a good helper, and she seems so much wiser beyond the average thinking of a 4/5 year old.  She told me exactly what I needed to do, and she informed me that she could take care of most of it herself, and she was right!! She pretty much made the rice krispie treats, I just helped in the overseeing the measurements and that kind of thing.  They turned out pretty good as well.  We'll have to keep experimenting with food coloring and see what other creations we can come up with!

On Friday, Chad was off so we decided to ride to the refuge and do a little fishing (now that I have a real fishing license and all!) It was a really gorgeous day, and HOT. But none the less, we stayed out there for the majority of the day.  I kept finding little fish that I would try to play with but they just didn't wanna play back.  After walking the banks, endless amounts of casts, we finally hit the jackpot.  We had spotted a big female bass that looked like she was getting ready to bed (that's fisherman talk-so Chad says, hehe) and finally after about 30 minutes she took the bait. Chad helped me to get her hooked so she wouldn't come off but I reeled her in and get the glory of "catching" her.  I wish I would have been able to record the whole thing.  As soon as she popped up above the water Chad instantly reminded me of a 5 year old on Christmas morning.  He was yelling and screaming and running around more than I was! But luckily we got her up to the bank and were able to snap a few pictures!
*note to self-remind me to take hand sanitizer with me next time we go fishing.  These things stink!

On our way back from fishing, we stopped at the Peach Farm for some Ice Cream and I wanted to get some strawberries but they didn't have the baskets of them.  They had the same kind you buy in the grocery store which just wasn't acceptable and I left a little disappointed. (However, the birthday cake ice cream did help!)

Once we got back home I had some errands to run and so did Chad so we each did that and I went by my parents house for a few.  When I got back home Chad was working on getting things ready for his fishing tournament that he had today in Santee. I decided it would be a good idea to take a shower and get cleaned up.  When I got in the shower I just about wanted to scream. My arms, neck, and face were so sunburned that it literally brought a tear to my eye. I'm not *technically* suppose to be in the sun due to my medicines and stuff, and of course I forgot to use sunscreen. Who knew you could get sunburned in March?! Well after a shower and lathering on the aloe, I still hurt and burn and it just all around hurts! And the funniest part of it all you ask-it is a farmers tan.  I don't mean a little darker on the forearms and white shoulders. I mean a REALLY REALLY noticeable difference.  I haven't seen the likes of a farmers tan since I played softball over 10 years ago (thank you tanning bed!) And now that I can't get in the tanning bed, I have no idea what I am going to do.  I went to get dressed this morning with a shorter sleeve dress and had to put on a shirt underneath that was longer on my arms because I just looked absolutely ridiculous! Great..Just Great!! Anyways..At least it's just my arms, face, and neck that are sore and not my entire body! I would take a picture to post and show, but I'm just to embarrassed! :)

So, that's about it.  Enjoy the weekend!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Oh Happy Day!

SO today has been a really good day. It's Friday and I got up this morning to babysit the 3 cutest kids ever.  We played, the twins napped, and Emma Grace even gave me a back massage (she's pretty good too!) Here are a couple pictures that we took today.

Emma Grace


The Twins-Khloe & River

Also, Chad came by to see me while I was babysitting.  Since I've been staying at my parents this week with my sister while they are out of town, I haven't seen him as much as I do in a typical week.  It was good to see him since he was off today and he even surprised me with a really cute basket of flowers.  He's so sweet and I can't even begin to tell you just how much I love him.  He means the world to me and definitely puts a smile on my face everyday.  He's the best guy in the world and I'm so lucky to have him! :)

So after babysitting, me and Cameren took a trip to the Verizon store to get her new replacement phone working correctly and then headed back to Hartsville.  We waited around for Chad to get back from the Refuge and then the 3 of us headed over to the Mexican restaurant to get some dinner.  After that we went to Wal-Mart to get a few things and then headed home. All in all, it was one of my better days that I've had lately! Hope everyone has good nite!

Thursday, March 10, 2011


So how many of you would love to have the opportunity to sit at home everyday, with no plans, an open schedule, and no responsibilities? As glamorous as it may sound, it is all me.  I have watched every tv show TLC, MTV, and TBS has ever made. Throughout my day, my biggest "to do" is to take a shower, I'm not even kidding.  Being a teacher your whole day is basically planned and accounted for and your lucky to get in any relaxation before hitting the sheets and getting right back "to the grind." So you can imagine how much of an adjustment for me this no work thing has been.  Before I got sick, I would go literally ALL day long-from 5:15 in the morning when I woke up, to 10 pm at night when I could finally crawl into bed and fall asleep before the dust even settled.  I had so much going on, a full time job, meetings, working on my masters, going to the gym everyday, that I was beyond busy so I thought that not working for a while would give me a chance to 1-obviously get better, and 2- to sort of slow down, rest, and enjoy myself with some "free time."'s now March and I don't know how much more "free time" I can stand. I desperately WANT to go back to work (Do you hear me Dr. Turner!!) I NEED to go back to work, for my own sanity!

My schedule as of late is so open, that preschool children have more going on in a day than I do. I still have my typical doctors appointments that I go to.  And my parents and Chad are always letting me do all their errands that need to be taken care of, but it still doesn't compare to that of a full time job.  I see other people that complain day in and day out about work and I just want to slap them in the face and scream, "ARE YOU SERIOUS?" Be glad that you are ABLE to work and HAVE a job! So much idle time just seems to make me feel blah. I see all my friends and family with jobs or school and it seems that everybody has so much going on, and then here I am, with nothing going on day in and day out and it almost makes me feel as though my days are going to waste. I don't really feel as though my days are productive since I technically don't do anything.  I even have trouble falling asleep at night because I guess I'm just not tired.

I've talked with my doctor and he's agreed to let me TRY to go back to teaching in August (that's if I can find a job) and in all honesty, it can't get here fast enough.  I think I will fill alot better mentally and emotionally once I can get back into a routine and actually feel as though I'm doing something with myself everyday. Okay, enough negativity for one night (i just felt as though I had to get that out there, you know-it makes you feel better when you express things!)

On a happier note, my sunglasses are on their way to me! Yes! I got the email today saying they had been shipped out and should be here in a few days! I also did some online shopping the other night (another result of my boredom) and ordered some really cute summer dresses.  I'll be super excited when they get here!

Also, we're going to the beach this weekend and I definitely could use a trip away for a day (for obvious reasons!)  It'll be great! We're planning on leaving early Saturday to head down to Myrtle Beach.  Chad has a couple places he wants to go, and of course I want to go do some shopping at the outlets! I think one of Chads friends may go with us so it should prove to be a fun trip! Also, my parents will be home from Daytona late Saturday night so it will be good to see them.  I've talked with them each day and they seem to be having a good time!

Lastly, tomorrow I get to babysit the 3 cutest kids in the entire world, Emma Grace, and the twins-Khloe and River.  I absolutely love them to pieces and can't wait to see them.  I'm super glad Kristin called me today about babysitting since her daycare is closed tomorrow, and it will also give me something to do! Plus-I enjoy kids and these 3 are just the best. Anyways, maybe tomorrow I'll have some cute stories to post about the kids-until then, have a great night!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Just a few things..

So, there are a few things that I wanted to mention just to get off my chest. How many of you enjoy reading posts and writings that look like they were written by a 3 year old?  The poor English, awful grammar, and  lack of sentence structure are a common sight on many of the popular social networking sites.  I for one can not stand horrible grammar. I don't know if its the fact that I'm a teacher and I am use to instilling correct English/grammar into my students, that it really irritates me when I'm trying to read something and feel as though I have to decipher through each word because the writer decided to use some ridiculous form of a non existent short hand.  I understand abbreviations and I'm completely okay with the whole "texting lingo" but when you are writing something for others to read, I really think that you should at least use the spell check option before publishing a bunch of babble that is ultimately going to take me twice as long to decipher and understand, and in the end-still make no sense.

Also, I decided to go to the grocery store yesterday to get a few things. Not a whole lot mind you-just a few things that needed to be replaced around the house.  Well, I understand the fact that there are lots of people that do their grocery shopping at the same time, but... must you, your 5 children that are running aimlessly through the aisle, and your shopping buggy be parked smack in the middle of the isle making it impossible for anyone to get around, or through for that matter? And then, see you standing there with others behind you, and still not make any attempt to slide to one side, control their children running loose, or even dare I say, say "excuse me?" I'm not asking you to move out of my way, because you have just as much right at the grocery store as I do.  However, it would be nice if you could respect the fact that others are there too.

Okay, so sorry for the rant but sometimes it helps just to vent a little bit! :) In other news, mom and dad left this morning at 3:30 am to head to Daytona Florida for bike week.  A couple years ago my dad got a Harley and even though my mom swore she would never let him own one, she ultimately ate those words.  And to an even bigger surprise, she herself now has her own personal Harley.  Never did I think I would see a day where my mom would drive a motorcycle and go to "bike week" down in Daytona.  However, during the spring, summer, and fall, you can find them out riding motorcycles from sun up to sun down.  It's their new hobby and they both really seem to enjoy it.  So if it keeps them happy and in a good mood-they hey, by all means-go for it. They are planning on staying for the week and should be home sometime Sunday.  They put the bikes in a big trailer and pulled them down there behind my dads suburban.  I feel sure though once they park and unload the motorcycles, that's all they will be driving until its time to load up and head back home.  Last summer they were going to go to on a big bike rally, but I happened to get sick and in the hospital for a while, so they postponed their trip because they didn't want to leave me home alone after having surgery and everything else only days after I got out the hospital.  So I was glad that they were going to be able to make this trip and have some time to get away from work and do something they both really enjoyed.

Also, Chad and I are thinking about making a trip down to the beach this weekend.  He's really been wanting to go to the Bass Pro Shop and I definitely wouldn't mind hitting up the outlet malls.  Who doesn't love new clothing/shoes/bags? I know I don't necessarily NEED anymore clothes, but some new things for spring and summer would definitely be nice.  Some cute dresses are always nice to have and the outlets always seem to have really good deals!

So I've been wanting a pair of the Ray Ban Wayfarer sunglasses for a while and even though I love my costa's, I decided I'd bite the bullet and go ahead and order me a pair, which is exactly what I did. (hehe) Hopefully they will arrive soon b/c I can't wait to wear them!

New Wayfarer Black / G-15 XLT
image courtesy of

Anyways, that's about all I have for now. Hope everyone has a great Tuesday!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Movie Reviews..

Lately, the "Red Box" has been our new best friend. I find myself every couple of days standing in line outside of walgreens at the local red box movie rental.  I think it's great that I can rent a movie for only $1! The only thing that I do not like about it however, I feel like every time I get up there to try to find a movie, I don't have time to actually look through what they have, read any of the reviews, or take my time deciding on a movie b/c there is about 10 people behind me breathing down my neck to hurry up. Just give me a minute people and let me decide on a movie!!

So in the past week, we have rented several movies, some good, and some not so good. I love a good comedy movie or action movie. The first we rented was:

A romantic comedy centered on a guy and a gal who try to keep their love alive as they shuttle back and forth between New York and San Francisco to see one another.
Going the Distance Poster
In all honesty, this wasn't my favorite movie by far. It seemed really different, and I could really rather have watched something else.

A man who escorts wealthy widows in New York's Upper East Side takes a young aspiring playwright under his wing.
The Extra Man Poster
This movie was really really weird. Honestly, I didn't like it.

When he finds out that his work superiors host a dinner celebrating the idiocy of their guests, a rising executive questions it when he's invited, just as he befriends a man who would be the perfect guest.
Dinner for Schmucks Poster
This movie was okay. I was expecting a laugh out loud comedy that was really funny but I didn't get that much of a laugh out of it.

A CIA agent goes on the run after a defector accuses her of being a Russian spy.
Salt Poster
Now I do have to admit, I really liked this one! Angelina Jolie is awesome in this movie and it is definatly an action packed movie the entire time.  I would def recommend watching this one if you haven't seen it yet!

Thursday, March 3, 2011


*Please note that I did this blog post on 2 separate days, so sorry if it is a bit repetitive or doesn't seem to sound as good.

So I have noticed that I have developed somewhat of a pattern with my blog postings here lately.  That they seem to be every couple of days, specifically Tuesdays and Saturdays? In my defense though, I had all intentions of updating yesterday but I've been ridiculously sick and although Chad and my dad keep telling me to go to the doctor, I still refuse to go, simply because I went last week, the week before that, and have been through 2 rounds of antibiotics, 2 bottles of cough medicine, and in all honesty I feel worse now than I did when I went to the Doctor 2 weeks ago.  I'm not sure what is going on but I have horrific sinus pressure in my face and its draining into my throat, causing me to feel like I'm literally loosing my voice.  Also, I've been coughing to the point I feel like my lungs are sore and there's so much crap in them, that's all you can hear when I cough.  I really don't know how Chad managed to sleep the other night with me coughing, blowing my nose, and constantly up and down literally all night long. Although, he has said the last 2 days that he has started to feel icky, so I hope whatever germs I have, that I haven't given it to him.  I did come to an agreement with both of them though that if I hadn't made any improvement by tomorrow, I would drag myself yet again to the doctor. It gets kinda sad when you go to the doctor so much that the pharmacist at the drug store knows you by name and doesn't even need your information to look your stuff up in the computer.

Now it's Thursday and my dad took me to the doctor yesterday because he was worried that all this stuff I had going on had the potential to lead to pneumonia, which is something that my body would have a hard time fighting off due to the immune suppressant drugs that I have to take weekly to keep my CSS in remission. So the doctor did x-rays of my chest and my sinuses. Luckily he said that he did not see any pneumonia in my lungs (big thanks to the man upstairs!), however my sinuses looked horrible. He game me a bunch of different things to use, (nose sprays, inhalers, cough meds, high powered anti biotics, and a steroid shot) And I must say, that I am feeling better.  I could tell last night that I felt like I was improving.  When I got up this morning, I was coughing some, but I think it was b/c maybe while I slept the junk had settled a bit in my chest and when I got up moving around, it was doing the same. However, I took my daily meds and after coughing up a bit of nasty stuff, I must admit that I am feeling much better. Last night was the first night I got some decent sleep in 2 weeks. I think when I went to sleep, about 12ish, I didn't move, roll over, or anything until about 4:30 this morning when I had to get up to use the bathroom. Chad ended up sleeping on the couch all night.  Poor thing-he hasn't been feeling good at all. I have a sinus infection/bronchitis, so I know those aren't contagious so whatever he has is different that what I have.  He seems to have been running a fever, real achy, congested, and just not feeling good so I've been giving him Tylenol, cough meds, and benadryl to try to help feel a little bit better but he says it's not working. I hope he's not getting the flu but he insist that he won't go to the doctor so I don't know what else I can do to help him!

Anyways, over the weekend, Chad and his partner Jerry came in 2nd for their fishing tournament! They both came home with big trophies and a grin from ear to ear! That's the 2nd week in a row Chad and Jerry have had success in their tournaments.  Also, they only missed 1st place (and winning a couple thousand dollars!) by only 1/2 a pound! I was super proud of them though!

In other news, I was reading over the scnow website and came across an article that I found pretty interesting.  The school district where I use to work last year before I got sick, is in a huge financial mess.  Therefor they are eliminating 19 positions in their district, as well as all principals. How crazy is that? I found it to be pretty interesting the principal that I had gone round and round all year with last year, the same principal that caused me so many problems (not to mention all the other faculty and staff) will no longer be a principal come March 14. Let me just say that I don't wish bad things on anyone, but those of you that know the struggles and problems that I went through with this principal will understand where I am coming from. Karma is bitch, and what goes around-comes around.  I hope all the teachers and  students can now breathe a sigh of relief knowing that the rest of the school year should be a little better for them now. 

Also, I think me and Chad have decided on what TV we are going to get.  After reading alot of reviews, price shopping, and talking with others, we have decided on a Vizio 47' LCD Flat Screen.

All the reviews that I have read seem to be pretty good, and for the price that we have found it for, I don't think we could get a better deal.  Does anyone have any suggestions or comments about Vizio products or what their opinion of this brand is? I'd be curious to know what y'all think!

Also, Chad's birthday is coming up in a couple weeks, and I've decided that for his birthday, I will be getting him the new iphone 4. We both have Verizon and since he is due for an upgrade, and Verizon is now carrying the iPhone, I thought that it would be a great birthday present!

On a bit of a sadder note, today marks 8 years since my grandmother has passed away.  I know 8 years seems like a long time, but I still miss her just as much today as I did 8 years ago.  She was the only grandparent that I really had and she meant the world to me.  I had a very hard time when she passed away and struggled with her death for quite some time.  Even to this day, I still get teary eyed when I talk about her.  There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about her, but I know she is in Heaven smiling down on our family and watching us everyday.  I've even had several dreams to where I would see her and the dreams were those that feel so so real that it's almost scary.  About 2 years after she died I decided I wanted to do something that would help me to always keep her near and dear to my heart.  So I know some people may not understand but I got a tattoo of a hummingbird on my foot.  Hummingbird's were her absolute favorite and it took me a long time to decide what exactly I wanted, and to find one that I really liked.  Now every time I look at it, it always makes me smile and I know she is always watching over me.  I can't wait to see her again one day!