Saturday, March 19, 2011

Catching up..

I know it's been like a week, but in my defense, I've had a little bit more going on this week than my typical non eventful week.  I got to babysit Emma Grace a couple days this week and it was super fun.  We had a good time, and then afterwards I hung out with Kristin, the Twins, and EG for dinner and play time outside! I absolutely adore Tommy and Kristin's children and love spending time with them. The twins: River & Khloe, will be 2 May 14th and Emma Grace will be 5 in April. I love seeing them and when I get there they all give me a big hug and "sugar" and I could literally just eat them up!

Well, on St. Patty's day, me and Emma Grace headed to the grocery store and then went home and made GREEN rice krispie treats! Let me just begin by saying Emma Grace is such a good helper, and she seems so much wiser beyond the average thinking of a 4/5 year old.  She told me exactly what I needed to do, and she informed me that she could take care of most of it herself, and she was right!! She pretty much made the rice krispie treats, I just helped in the overseeing the measurements and that kind of thing.  They turned out pretty good as well.  We'll have to keep experimenting with food coloring and see what other creations we can come up with!

On Friday, Chad was off so we decided to ride to the refuge and do a little fishing (now that I have a real fishing license and all!) It was a really gorgeous day, and HOT. But none the less, we stayed out there for the majority of the day.  I kept finding little fish that I would try to play with but they just didn't wanna play back.  After walking the banks, endless amounts of casts, we finally hit the jackpot.  We had spotted a big female bass that looked like she was getting ready to bed (that's fisherman talk-so Chad says, hehe) and finally after about 30 minutes she took the bait. Chad helped me to get her hooked so she wouldn't come off but I reeled her in and get the glory of "catching" her.  I wish I would have been able to record the whole thing.  As soon as she popped up above the water Chad instantly reminded me of a 5 year old on Christmas morning.  He was yelling and screaming and running around more than I was! But luckily we got her up to the bank and were able to snap a few pictures!
*note to self-remind me to take hand sanitizer with me next time we go fishing.  These things stink!

On our way back from fishing, we stopped at the Peach Farm for some Ice Cream and I wanted to get some strawberries but they didn't have the baskets of them.  They had the same kind you buy in the grocery store which just wasn't acceptable and I left a little disappointed. (However, the birthday cake ice cream did help!)

Once we got back home I had some errands to run and so did Chad so we each did that and I went by my parents house for a few.  When I got back home Chad was working on getting things ready for his fishing tournament that he had today in Santee. I decided it would be a good idea to take a shower and get cleaned up.  When I got in the shower I just about wanted to scream. My arms, neck, and face were so sunburned that it literally brought a tear to my eye. I'm not *technically* suppose to be in the sun due to my medicines and stuff, and of course I forgot to use sunscreen. Who knew you could get sunburned in March?! Well after a shower and lathering on the aloe, I still hurt and burn and it just all around hurts! And the funniest part of it all you ask-it is a farmers tan.  I don't mean a little darker on the forearms and white shoulders. I mean a REALLY REALLY noticeable difference.  I haven't seen the likes of a farmers tan since I played softball over 10 years ago (thank you tanning bed!) And now that I can't get in the tanning bed, I have no idea what I am going to do.  I went to get dressed this morning with a shorter sleeve dress and had to put on a shirt underneath that was longer on my arms because I just looked absolutely ridiculous! Great..Just Great!! Anyways..At least it's just my arms, face, and neck that are sore and not my entire body! I would take a picture to post and show, but I'm just to embarrassed! :)

So, that's about it.  Enjoy the weekend!

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