Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Just a few things..

So, there are a few things that I wanted to mention just to get off my chest. How many of you enjoy reading posts and writings that look like they were written by a 3 year old?  The poor English, awful grammar, and  lack of sentence structure are a common sight on many of the popular social networking sites.  I for one can not stand horrible grammar. I don't know if its the fact that I'm a teacher and I am use to instilling correct English/grammar into my students, that it really irritates me when I'm trying to read something and feel as though I have to decipher through each word because the writer decided to use some ridiculous form of a non existent short hand.  I understand abbreviations and I'm completely okay with the whole "texting lingo" but when you are writing something for others to read, I really think that you should at least use the spell check option before publishing a bunch of babble that is ultimately going to take me twice as long to decipher and understand, and in the end-still make no sense.

Also, I decided to go to the grocery store yesterday to get a few things. Not a whole lot mind you-just a few things that needed to be replaced around the house.  Well, I understand the fact that there are lots of people that do their grocery shopping at the same time, but... must you, your 5 children that are running aimlessly through the aisle, and your shopping buggy be parked smack in the middle of the isle making it impossible for anyone to get around, or through for that matter? And then, see you standing there with others behind you, and still not make any attempt to slide to one side, control their children running loose, or even dare I say, say "excuse me?" I'm not asking you to move out of my way, because you have just as much right at the grocery store as I do.  However, it would be nice if you could respect the fact that others are there too.

Okay, so sorry for the rant but sometimes it helps just to vent a little bit! :) In other news, mom and dad left this morning at 3:30 am to head to Daytona Florida for bike week.  A couple years ago my dad got a Harley and even though my mom swore she would never let him own one, she ultimately ate those words.  And to an even bigger surprise, she herself now has her own personal Harley.  Never did I think I would see a day where my mom would drive a motorcycle and go to "bike week" down in Daytona.  However, during the spring, summer, and fall, you can find them out riding motorcycles from sun up to sun down.  It's their new hobby and they both really seem to enjoy it.  So if it keeps them happy and in a good mood-they hey, by all means-go for it. They are planning on staying for the week and should be home sometime Sunday.  They put the bikes in a big trailer and pulled them down there behind my dads suburban.  I feel sure though once they park and unload the motorcycles, that's all they will be driving until its time to load up and head back home.  Last summer they were going to go to on a big bike rally, but I happened to get sick and in the hospital for a while, so they postponed their trip because they didn't want to leave me home alone after having surgery and everything else only days after I got out the hospital.  So I was glad that they were going to be able to make this trip and have some time to get away from work and do something they both really enjoyed.

Also, Chad and I are thinking about making a trip down to the beach this weekend.  He's really been wanting to go to the Bass Pro Shop and I definitely wouldn't mind hitting up the outlet malls.  Who doesn't love new clothing/shoes/bags? I know I don't necessarily NEED anymore clothes, but some new things for spring and summer would definitely be nice.  Some cute dresses are always nice to have and the outlets always seem to have really good deals!

So I've been wanting a pair of the Ray Ban Wayfarer sunglasses for a while and even though I love my costa's, I decided I'd bite the bullet and go ahead and order me a pair, which is exactly what I did. (hehe) Hopefully they will arrive soon b/c I can't wait to wear them!

New Wayfarer Black / G-15 XLT
image courtesy of ray-ban.com

Anyways, that's about all I have for now. Hope everyone has a great Tuesday!

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